Anastasia Neishtadt

Business Management

Anastasia Neishtadt


House of Susan B. Anthony

“I loved having you in several classes over the years! You were always curious and and thoughtful – especially in taking classes outside your major (like Political Economy). It’s a delight to see students like you really wrestling with ideas and taking them to heart. I look forward to seeing how you are able to use what you have learned at King’s in the coming years!”

— Dr. Paul Mueller

Paul Mueller


House of Susan B. Anthony


  • Intern at Hollis Taggart

Notes for Anastasia


I’m very sad that I won’t get to watch you walk across the stage and yell for you. You are one of the hardest workers I know and I am so proud of you.

I love you girl!

Congrats, Anastasia! Very well done. I’m celebrating with you!

Dear Soulmate, I can’t believe I’m so lucky. Not only because I get to observe you grow as the gorgeous woman you are but also because I’m allowed to be a part of it. You are a constant inspiration to all around you and the ray of sunshine we all need. I cannot wait to see what the future brings for you and all the adventures that lie ahead. Know this is just the beginning and that life is what you make of it. Go be who you are meant to be. It’s in you, you just have to allow it to blossom out. But don’t worry you’ll never be alone you’ll always have me and LA as a second home. I thank my lucky star every day I have you. And I will work to earn your love for the rest of my life. Je t’aime, et je suis si fière. CONGRATS TO THE GRADUATE!! Kim.

Ana! Congratulations I am so proud of you. You’ve been working really hard for this and I’m excited for you to take this step forward into your future. Best of luck to you. Love you!

Hey kiddo!

Ya did it 🙂 I am so proud of you Ana. You know, when Kim first introduced me to you, four years ago during that summer in Cape Cod.. I would have never thought you’d graduate. But since we’ve gotten closer over time and I’ve gotten to know you better, honestly I still didn’t think you’d do it. But you really proved me wrong and it make me happy! I can’t wait for all of us to hang out again and celebrate in Miami like we used to! Can’t wait for this darn little bacteria nonsense to be over. Cheers and hooray to you! You’ll be the best veterinarian ever 🙂 Btw, I finally proposed to Kim, we’re getting married! We’d love to see you at the wedding. Sorry to make this about us. Sorry. TODAY IS ABOUT YOU. I just got a little excited and needed to tell you. Anyway, I forgot to get you a graduation gift so don’t worry about our wedding present, we’ll just call it even 🙂 ugh, I’m ranting. Classic me. Congrats again Ana!! Hope you’re doing well 🙂

I am so proud of you for everything you have achieved those past years ! And you can be too.

You have been incredibly brave and tenacious, managing brilliantly jobs and studies… I remember my visit last year, and how interesting it was to assist to your classes, how brilliant you are, and dedicated.

I would have love so much to be there for you on this particular moment of success

I love you,


Hi Ana!
Congratulations on graduating college! It is a huge accomplishment! Although you aren’t getting the graduation I’m sure you were hoping and deserve, I hope it is still very joyful and exciting! Don’t forget how much you have accomplished and how amazing you are! You should be extremely proud, I know we all are!
Congrats, congrats!

I am proud of you and how hard you have worked, and admire the courage and fortitude you have had to graduate with such high grades while also earning money. Congrats from a proud step-father.

To grow up with you has been a blessing. I realize that as the oldest, you’ve never had someone to look up to, but I can tell you there’s no one I’d rather admire than you. You are dedicated and hard working, more than I could ever be. You are kind and strong and seeing you go through this college experience has been beautiful. You have grown in your beliefs, your goals, and your understanding of yourself because of the work you put into learning and developing. You are an inspiring woman, and when you go into the world, you’ll inspire other women like myself

I am so proud of you, you’ve done it you’ve graduated! You’re an amazing and strong woman and I look up to you for how you’ve gotten through this and grown. I love you so much and I know you’re going to do more amazing things, now more than ever.

Dear Anastasia! The hard work you put in for years it’s coming to an end and soon you will be able to reap the fruits of it. So proud of your strength, courage, determination, admire your spirit and talent! Love From our family to you on your big day of Graduation.

Congratulations Ana 🌹🌹🌹
Proud of you beautiful young woman.
You’ve worked so hard to achieve your goals and now you’re on your way to seek the new life that awaits you. Dream new dreams and embrace life with passion and keep reaching for your star.
I hope we can celebrating with Kim and Mia in DR soon 🥂🥂🥂🥂🌴🌴🌴🌴
Have a successful future 💕


Woo, a GRADUATE! Proud of you. You’ve graduated your way into the real world, now show everyone what you’ve got to offer!


Felicitations, congrats, mabruk, bravi e tutti quanti !!!
On te souhaite beaucoup de succès dans ta carrière.
Bizzz de la cote ouest 🙂

CONGRATS Anastasia! Miss you and wishing you good health. See you at Tao!

Look how far you’ve come!!! Anastasia, you have achieved so much and trying to put how proud I am of you in a note feels like not nearly enough. I am so fortunate to have got so close to you over the past couple years and seeing you get here is simply amazing. You are one of the most dedicated, hard working people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. Knowing you has really been a blessing. You’re a dreamer, achiever, and such an example for others around you. I know this school is happy to see you get here and proud to have you representing as a graduate.
I am so so so excited to watch the rest of your journey.

Love you to the moon and back.


Félicitation ma belle, je suis super fière de toi, bravo pour toutes ces années passées, j’espère que tu as aimée tes études et que tu auras la réussite qui suivra.
Je t’aime fort



My Love, my first child, my sunshine Anastasia.
I have witnessed over the past years a girl becoming a young adult. A good exemple, and such an inspiration you are to your siblings, your family, and friends.
With proud, joy and happiness I have seen you working so hard to achieve some of your ambitions: school, work, independence. And that is only the beginning!
Your diploma is not only a piece of paper it is the recognition of a hard labor and a time in your life you have developed your character and build experiences, friendships and have been part of a wonderful community.
Congratulations ma beaute!

Remember the sky has no limit, &
You are deeply loved.


Ps Et maintenant commence
l’ accomplissement de tes rêves!

Félicitation Anastasia, nous sommes tous très fière de toi 🙂 plein de bonheur dans ta nouvelle vie de diplômée. Profite de cette nouvelle vie qui s’ouvre à toi.Bisous de nous 4. Audrey, Anthony, Raphaël et Paul

Warm congrats for your diploma. You deserve it after all the works you have done. We wish you all the best for your future & new life.
Hope to see you soon.
Ava, Fabien & Melanie

Congratulations Anastasia!!

I am so incredibly proud of you girl. It was such an honor getting to know you over the years at King’s and our many adventures will forever be some of my fondest college memories. You are one of the most hardworking people I know, and I cannot wait to see what your future holds for you.


Ms. Neishtadt Congratulations I’m going to miss our morning conversations and your midday coffee runs wishing you all the best.

Toutes nos félicitations.
Grade en mémoire la lycéenne insouciante que tu étais. Cela t’a porté chance. Reste toi, toi, toi, toi parce ce que c’est comme cela que le monde a besoin de toi.
Sandrine et Xavier

Je pense que tu as travaillé dur pour obtenir ce que tu voulais et je t’en félicite. Tu es belle, tu as une super famille, des amis pour la vie, je te souhaite juste de continuer d’être comme tu es.
Gros bisous et à bientôt ♥️

Bravo !!
Je sais que tu as travaillé dur pour obtenir ce que tu voulais et je t’en félicite !
Tu es belle, tu as une super famille, des amis pour la vie, et je te souhaite juste de continuer d’être comme tu es.
Gros bisous et à bientôt ♥️


Incroyable tout ce temps passé à te voir naître, grandir, évoluer, mûrir…
Assoiffée de connaissances, de voyages, de rencontres et surtout si ouverte et adoratrice de la Vie…
Devenir la jeune femme que tu es, si battante, si consciente de la réalité de la vie et de ses épreuves. Vie que tu aimes tant et que tu croques à pleines dents.
Si forte et à la fois si fragile de part ton extrême sensibilité à chacun, à chacune, à tout, mais à la fois quels chemins parcourus avec tant de travail, d’épreuves, d’investissements personnels, pour mener à la fois tes études tout en travaillant dure, même très dure !
Cette réussite tu la mérites amplement, elle est le fruit de tes semences.
Tu es la Beauté même !
Oui physiquement certes, mais l’essentiel est dans ta beauté de cœur et d’esprit, ta générosité, l’amour que tu donnes sans compter.
Tu es la Vie, celle que tu croques à pleines dents de peur qu’elle ne t’échappe.
N’ai pas peur Anastasia, aies confiance en toi et fonce, une autre vie commence et n’attend que toi.
Tu es le bouton de Fleur qui vient d’éclore pour enfin s’épanouir sous le soleil radiant, comme le sont tes éclats de rire. Fleur qui même en se fanant, renaît à chaque saison et à jamais.
Tu es la Lumière qui nous inonde par ta présence et ta joie de vivre.
Bravo ma tendre et si précieuse nièce, pour ce premier parcours ; tu iras loin, très loin même et, je n’en ai pas le moindre doute.
Crois en toi et en tes capacités ; tu en as déjà une première preuve.
Suis si profondément fière de toi et, comme tu le sais, je t’aime tant❣️
Toutes mes félicitations.


Incredible all this time spent seeing you born, grow, evolve, mature … Thirsty for knowledge, travel, meetings and especially so open and worshiper of Life … Become the young woman that you are, so beating, so aware of the reality of life and its trials. Life that you love so much and that you crunch to the fullest. So strong and at the same time so fragile because of your extreme sensitivity to each and everyone, but at the same time what paths traveled with so much work, trials, personal investments, to lead both your studies while working hard, even very hard!
This success you fully deserve, it is the fruit of your seeds.
You are Beauty itself!
Yes physically, but the main thing is in your beauty of heart and mind, your generosity, the love that you give without counting.
You are Life, the one you crunch to the fullest lest it escape you. Don’t be afraid Anastasia, trust yourself and go for it, another life begins and just waiting for you.
You are the flower bud that has just blossomed to finally flourish under the radiant sun, as are your laughter. Flower which, even withering, is reborn every season and forever.
You are the Light that floods us with your presence and your zest for life.
Bravo my tender and so precious niece, for this first journey; you will go far, very far even and, I have no doubt. Believe in yourself and in your abilities; you already have a first proof.
So proud of yourself and, as you know, I love you so much❣️ Congratulations.

Félicitations pour ta réussite nous espérons que tu trouveras le job dans lequel tu t épanouiras une nouvelle vie commence bonne chance pour la suite nous t aimons et t envoyons pleins de bisous

Félicitations pour ta réussite nous espérons que tu trouveras le job qui te combleras dans ta vie professionnelle
Bonne chance pour cette nouvelle vie nous t aimons et t envoyons de gros bisous

Hey beauty!
You graduated!!!
Tu as vraiment mérité ton diplôme!
Cette année était dure pour toi… Tu l’as commencée avec tes vieux amis qui t’attendaient depuis des années pour faire la fête dans une forêt paumée au bord d’un lac, puis tu l’as finie entourée de ta magnifique famille et dans les bras de ton chéri… pas tout le monde peut surmonter ce genre d’épreuve! But you did it! 🍾💃🏼🔥
Non plus sérieusement, je sais que tu as dû bosser dur pour ce diplôme et je t’en félicite. Bravo! Maintenant une nouvelle étape commence dans ta vie. Je te souhaite tout le meilleur dans cette étape, que tu réalises tes rêves, qu’elle soit remplie de bonheur, amour, amitié, paix et qu’il y ait une petite place pour nous, tes vieux amis;)
Je t’aime fort et attends nos retrouvailles avec impatience!


Anastasia, Before this digital yearbook is closed, I wanted to congratulate you on earning your degree. I enjoyed having you in International Politics in your last semester, and thanks for your contributions to our class discussions. I look forward to seeing you at SBA Alumnae Dinners in the future!

Anastasia!!!! You are one of my favorite faces to see in the library or anywhere on campus. You can always make me laugh no matter what you are doing or saying. Getting to know you over the past four years has been such a blessing and I am so thankful. Keep making people laugh and never stop being you.

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