Mariana Pimiento

Business Management

Mariana Pimiento Rincon


House of Susan B. Anthony

“Mariana, I love your kind, gentle spirit that comes through in everything that you do. And, if I ever need a hostage negotiator, you will be the first person I call! Looking forward to seeing how God will continue to use you and bigapplecatholic to do great things!”

— Dr. Kimberly Reeve

Kimberly Reeve


House of Susan B. Anthony


  • President of Cure at The King’s College (2019)
  • Faculty Assistant for International Business (2019)
  • Board Chair the Catholic Center at NYU (2019)
  • Interregnum Liaison House of Susan B Anthony (2017)
  • Fundraising Internship at AIDS WALK New York (2017)
  • Communications Intern MyLifeWellLoved (2017)
  • Guest Experience Assistant at The King’s College (2018)
  • Communications Intern The Philos Project (2020)
  • Accepted full time position as Catholic missionary with FOCUS Catholic (2020)

Notes for Mariana

Thanks for being my friend! Congrats on finishing your 4 years at Kings. Feels like just yesterday we were visiting NYC with the high school choir saying we were going to move to the city for school. It’s been awesome to have you in the city during my first three years living in NYC. Congrats! See you in Birmingham, AL soon!

Mariana! I always loved our talks in the admissions office. You’re such a joy and I wish you all the best! Congratulations and Happy Graduation!!

Congratulations, Mariana! I am so inspired by your faith and the creative ways with which you share God’s love for the world.

Mariana you are such a wonderful gift to the world and I am glad I was able to meet you. You’ve inspired me greatly. I pray your creative endeavors thrive and you with them.

Mariana, I would not have survived freshman year in NYC without you. Your love for Jesus and dedication to spread the word of Good News is so inspiring to me. I love what you have done with Big Apple Catholic and cannot wait to see all of the creative ways you serve God in this next season of life. You are so loved and I cherished our time together greatly.

Further up & further in, dear friend.

I loved living with you for part of our last semester, and will cherish memories of J Balvin dance parties and late night talks. You have such a radiant heart for God and for others. I’m so thankful for you!

Things we’ve shared: my broken nails, Philos, Sin Bandera, endless emotions, and lots and lots of laughter. Thank you for hunting me down last year- I can’t imagine what this semester would have looked like without sharing an internship and sharing quarantine daily updates. I promise to never again be shocked that you were scared of me <3

MARIANA!!!! Congrats girl! Can’t wait to watch you change the world!

Mariana – there is so much to say! Who would have thought that a randomly assigned Little would become one of the people in my life who I am always learning from, laughing with, and watching grow in grace, virtue, and cheer? You have a gift for touching the world and giving it just a tiny bit of the grit, strength, and character that you possess. When I grow up, I hope to be like you. I am so excited for where this life is leading you and to see the ways you live out God’s love and bring glory to his kingdom. You make everything around you glow brighter. I am so proud of you and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish, because I know it will be so much. Congratulations!

You know how much I love you, but I just have to write it down. Your soul is SO beautiful and you have no idea how grateful I am for your friendship. I admire your spirit and the way you allow the Holy Spirit to move in your life. When I think of you, I think of Proverbs, how kind words are like honey. You have been so influential in my life and I can’t wait to see the way God uses you in the future. Te quiero mucho

Mariana!!!!! You truly inspire me with your profound love for the Lord. I am so glad I asked how you were doing that day in the library last fall when I didn’t know you super well and was studying for a quest, but we just went on and on about what it means to truly depend on God in our lives. You are so wise and your soul is so beautiful. I can’t wait to see you continue to bless others as you have blessed me with your friendship <3

Mariana! We did it girl! I wish we got to hang out more, but knowing you these past few years has been such a blessing to me. You have such a creative and down to earth spirit! I know that you’re going to do some great things and I can’t wait to see how God works in your life. Sending you all the best! Love ya.

Mariana, I will never forget the Bible study I led sophomore year because of your effect on it. You were so bold and genuine and pointed many other girls to Christ because of it. You would share, and then other girls would feel comfortable sharing and feel seen & known. In that small scenario, I watched your honesty and empathy lead to deeper friendships and closer relationships with God. I know that you will bring that gift into many, many other environments across the world. You truly empower others and point them to Christ with your genuine heart. I am glad that I know you! Sending my love to you wherever you end up. <3

Hija linda!
You know how proud we are to see you become an amazing woman. Your courage, conviction and determination to achieve your goals have brought you here👩🏼‍🎓. It seems like yesterday you started college and moved out to NYC. Your dreams came true. We are very proud of you , the human being you are and the wonderful relationship with God in your life. This is just the beginning of all the wonders that awaits for you. You are made for GREAT things . Never lose your north, keep fighting for make this world a better place to live and be happy and make other happy every day. Te amamos mucho ! 💕

Mi Nana Hermosa!

I am so proud of being your Madrina! Thank you for giving me the opportunity of being part of your wonderful life and share all your accomplishments. I admire your passion and devotion and I’m sure God is guiding every step of your life to make this world a better place.

Keep spreading your love and your faith to everyone around you!

Te quiero!
Tu madrina Cami

Mariana!! Thanks for being my friend over the past few years and always being willing to share some Sophie’s Cuban with me. I’m so excited to see where you go next!

Querida hermanita:

You are living proof that when you set your set your mind to something you desire, and you pursue it with determination and by the hand of God, anything is possible. Through all the adversity, the setbacks, and the growing pains, you delivered at every turn. You matured into the young woman we all saw was deep down inside, waiting to find the opportunity to blossom. Beyond all your great accomplishments, I’m very proud of you and who you’ve grown to become. The impact you have on those around you will be felt for many years to come, this is only the beginning of something very special.

La quiero mucho!

Nanis !!!!

I am very proud of you and all your accomplishments. I still remember like it was yesterday when you decided to move to NYC. Time has flown by and now you are days away from graduation !!! It’s one more accomplishment of the many you will achieve ! Te quiero mucho y sabes que siempre puedes contar conmigo siempre .

Para Marianita un sincero y cariñoso saludo de felicitación, que el Dios de la vida la acompañe y guie en todos sus proyectos, Un abracito muy especial desde su querida Bucaramanga.-

We are very proud of you. You are an incredible girl, beautiful, sweet, smart and with lots of different talents.
We love you so much and we wish you a future full of success and dreams fulfilled.
Te amamos con todo el corazĂłn y hoy como siempre estamos muy muy muy orgullosos de ti.

Marianita: yo también me siento orgulloso de este tu éxito académico, por recuerdo cuando llegaste a Alabama y te querías regresar sin sospechar lo poderosa que eres. Congrats también para tus padres, hermano y demás family que fueron pilares en este éxito rotundo. Comenzarás un camino a la cúspide. Recibe mis bendiciones como amigo de tu linda familia. Un abrazo!

Mar! I don’t know how to distill what your friendship has meant to me into a little note. I am grateful God made our paths cross—you’ve been a major part of my college years, and I know we’ll be a part of each other’s graduate lives as well. Thank you for the laughs, tears, prayers, margaritas, Columbia football & NYU soccer games, park talks, and sweet memories. Growing in faith alongside you has been a privilege, and I can’t wait to see where God takes you next and how he uses you. Congratulations on finishing strong! Cheers to this next chapter—and all the beautiful unknowns it contains! Much love! <3

Con-grad-ulations ✨✨✨ I’m proud of you!
God has given you so many talents, I have no doubt you will use them to fulfill His purpose in your life.

You, Nana, are a bright light- keep shining, this world needs your light.

Te quiero ♥️

My dearest Nana, you made it!

I’m so proud of you, of how brave and smart and incredibly talented you are ❤️ I’m sure you will use all of God’s gifts to be better each day and do better for the world like you have done so far.

I love you and I hope we get together soon to celebrate this milestone!


Congratulations! You told me to follow our dreams and I’m glad you’re following yours. You’re an amazing person and I miss you so much! I know you’ll be there me when I need you most even if you’re far away
Love you!

Marianita preciosa, estoy muy orgullosa de ti. Se que el Señor Todopoderoso tiene preparadas cosas grandes en tu vida, por que eres una mujer llena de dones y virtudes que te hacen única. Siempre te veré como mi sobrina chiquitica, a la que quiero con todo mi corazón. Espero poder vernos pronto y celebrar como lo acostumbra nuestra familia los reencuentros. Por ahora quiero que sientas que estamos ahí, a tu lado, que cada una de nosotras estará acompañándote en la ceremonia en la que se reconocerá tu esfuerzo, disposición y entrega , y que será la entrada a una nueva etapa en la que estoy segura que con la ayuda de Dios, te permitirá reconocer una vez más de lo que estás hecha, y el inmenso mundo que te espera. Te quiero. Un beso enorme mi Nana bella.
P.D. I´m perry

Marianita, me siento inmensamente feliz por este nuevo logro como premio a tus esfuerzos.
Solo las personas constantes y perseverantes como tu, pueden llegar al final de las metas y cumplir sus sueños. Un abrazo mi niña preciosa. Las dificultades nunca te doblegaron porque siempre confiaste en la proteccion de Dios y en el constante apoyo de tus padre.
Muchos exitos vendran. Dios te bendiga hoy y siempre.

Mariana, you’re so great, and I really enjoyed getting to know you during our time at King’s together. I’m so excited to see what God has for you!

Marianita: Sobra decirle la emoción tan grande y el orgullo que sentimos, por este éxito logrado. Estoy segura que no es el primero y tampoco el último, porque usted está hecha para grandes cosas, siempre han de demostrado la casta colombiana.
Dios le guĂ­e siempre el camino a seguir, muchos Ă©xitos y abrazos.
La quiero mucho, un abrazo virtual, mientras nos encontramos pars celebrar.

No te imaginas lo feliz y orgullosa que me siento de que este día por fin llegue👩‍🎓📸

Espero que a pesar de las circunstancias te sientas completamente feliz y agradecida con Dios por todo de lo que lograste🥳 🥳🥳

Espero poder celebrar pronto, verte y poder actualizar la foto.

Te amo, te extraño y te mando miles de besos❤️💋

Congrats, Mariana! I know you’re going to do great things after college; best of luck, pursue God.

Nana, Recibe un gran abrazo, estamos felices por este primer escalón y que este sea el comienzo de muchos exitos de lo cual estamos seguras, que Diosito y la Santísima Virgen sigan guiando tus pasos; en estos cuatro años, has demostrado que estas hecha para grandes cosas, y el mundo esta listo para guerreras como tu, te queremos y ojala pronto podamos celebrar al estilo Hernandez, un gran abrazo

Cuesta trabajo pensar que nuestra niña chiquitita, haya escalado ya tantos peldaños y hoy celebremos, así sea de una forma que jamás imaginamos, su grado universitario.
Siempre soñaste en grande y muy pronto, desde Escuela, demostraste de qué estabas hecha y cuánto amor y solidaridad guardabas, para poner al servicio de los demás.
Hoy estamos felices, orgullosos y muy optimistas, porque sabemos que el mundo gana, para bien, toda tu inteligencia, generosidad y tantos tantos talentos, con que Dios te ha premiado y el amor de tus padres y hermano, han acrecentado.
Te amamos Marianita.
Tus tios
Reinel y Gladys

Congratulations on your amazing accomplishment. Thank you for the love you’ve poured into my life. You’re such an amazing women and your faith truly inspires me. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for you! New York will not be the same without you (+ Brooklyn Heights will always be our spot).
Much love to you, dear friend đź’“

Marianita felicitaciones por su grado el señor le conseda muchos exitos y bendiciones. Este es uno de sus tantos logros sigue adelante un abrazo

Feliz y agradecida con Dios por este logro obtenido. Se que vienen más triunfos, ojalá con menos dificultades.
Espero podernos ver pronto para celebrar 🎉.
Un abrazo y sabe que la quiero mucho.
“La dueña”

Un fuerte abrazo. Esperamos ansiosamente los triunfos que te esperan.

You inspire us to seek new adventures and explore the human spirit. Thank you for the stimulating conversation, companionship, and being a supportive listener.
Love you ♡

Congrats on graduating, Mariana! So glad that I got the chance to know you better through work last year. 🙂

I am very proud of everything you’ve done. You’ve really taught me how to take the ropes as literally the person next in line for all of this. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me and my sister. Wish you the best
P.S- sorry I’m late to this

Mariana, you are one of the wisest people I know. You walk in the footsteps of the Lord and His light radiates in everything you do. I will miss our chats in the hallway and soul-filling discussions about Augustine. I have always admired your grace and it is an honor to be your friend! Congratulations!

Mariana, you are truly a gem. I’m tearing up as I remember all the times you encouraged me when I was at my lowest moments. You are an incredible woman of God and it was an honor in getting to know you. May God bless you as you continue to touch many lives!

MARIANA. You beautiful soul, you. You were such a gift to me during my first year at King’s (and today too, of course). I was always so impressed with your maturity, independence, wisdom, and fiery spirit. You carry yourself with such grace and purpose and conviction. I cherish our many conversations on faith, art, London, health, missions, relationships, the Enneagram, photography, the West Village, and the beauty, depth and richness of life. I have such confidence that the Lord will use you in mighty ways. I’m thankful to know you and am truly excited for wherever the Lord leads you in life. I’m looking forward to the day we’re reunited in the city (Joe’s Coffee in Greenwich?)!

Mariana, CONGRATULATIONS and blessings on everything to come! (: I’m so glad that we were classmates and will always appreciate your kindness to me!

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